© 2015-2023 by MegaRexx® Trucks LLC. No material on this site is to be reproduced, copied, or transferred without express written consent, other than as described: Media sites may use any and all material provided our website name is prominently displayed on all photos. Contact us for high-res photos! DISCLAIMER: While we make every effort to ensure the data listed and/or photos shown are correct, there may be instances where some of the options and/or vehicle features listed and/or shown may not be included, but available at additional cost. Any listed prices do not include applicable taxes, fees, or other charges. Images, prices, and options shown, including vehicle color, trim, options, pricing, and other specifications are subject to availability. Consult one of our team members for actual prices and complete details — we cannot be held liable for data that is listed incorrectly. All company names, brand names, trademarks, and logos are the property of their respective owners.